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  1. Several clinical measures of sensory and motor function are used alongside patient-rated questionnaires to assess outcomes of carpal tunnel decompression. However there is a lack of evidence regarding which cl...

    Authors: Christina Jerosch-Herold, Lee Shepstone, Leanne Miller and Peter Chapman
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:244
  2. The Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index (MFPDI) has been used to determine the prevalence of disabling foot pain in several studies, however there is some debate as to which case definition is most appro...

    Authors: Hylton B Menz, Tiffany K Gill, Anne W Taylor and Catherine L Hill
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:243
  3. The aims were to explore bone mineral density (BMD) by digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR) in postmenopausal women with long-lasting rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in relation to dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-BMD,...

    Authors: Helena Forsblad-d'Elia and Hans Carlsten
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:242
  4. Joint pain is a highly prevalent condition in the older population. Only a minority of the older adults consult the general practitioner for joint pain, and during consultation joint pain is often poorly recog...

    Authors: Lotte AH Hermsen, Stephanie S Leone, Daniëlle AWM van der Windt, Martin Smalbrugge, Joost Dekker and Henriëtte E van der Horst
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:241
  5. Cyclosprin A (CsA) has been widely used clinically to treat the patients who have undergone organ transplantation or acquired autoimmune disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of three ...

    Authors: Yixin Chen, Xin Zheng, Rui Zou and Junfei Wang
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:240
  6. Fusion of lumbar spine segments is a well-established therapy for many pathologies. The procedure changes the biomechanics of the spine. Initial clinical benefits may be outweighed by ensuing damage to the adj...

    Authors: Jan Siewe, Christina Otto, Peter Knoell, Marco Koriller, Gregor Stein, Thomas Kaulhausen, Peer Eysel, Kourosh Zarghooni, Jeremy Franklin and Rolf Sobottke
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:239
  7. Acute trauma of the wrist is one of the most frequent reasons for visiting the Emergency Department. These patients are routinely referred for radiological examination. Most X-rays however, do not reveal any f...

    Authors: Abdelali Bentohami, Monique MJ Walenkamp, Annelie Slaar, M Suzan H Beerekamp, Joris AH de Groot, Eva M Verhoog, L Cara Jager, Mario Maas, Taco S Bijlsma, Bart A van Dijkman, Niels WL Schep and J C Goslings
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:238

    The Erratum to this article has been published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2013 14:95

  8. Hsp90β is a member of the Hsp90 family of protein chaperones. This family plays essential roles in the folding, maturation and activity of many proteins that are involved in signal transduction and transcripti...

    Authors: Valentina Calamia, Maria C de Andrés, Natividad Oreiro, Cristina Ruiz-Romero and Francisco J Blanco
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:237
  9. Individual illness perceptions have been highlighted as important influences on clinical outcomes for back pain. However, the illness perceptions of 'significant others' (spouse/partner/close family member) ar...

    Authors: Serena McCluskey, Joanna Brooks, Nigel King and Kim Burton
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:236
  10. Mast cells contribute to tissue repair in fibrous tissues by stimulating proliferation of fibroblasts through the release of tryptase which activates protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2). The possibility that...

    Authors: Elise Duchesne, Marie-Hélène Tremblay and Claude H Côté
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:235
  11. It is possible that clinical outcome of low back pain (LBP) differs according to the presence or absence of spinal abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in which case there could be value in using...

    Authors: Philip McNee, James Shambrook, E Clare Harris, Miranda Kim, Madeleine Sampson, Keith T Palmer and David Coggon
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:234
  12. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease, causing pain and functional impairments. According to international guidelines, exercise therapy has a short-term effect in reducing pain/functional impair...

    Authors: Pauline P van Es, Pim AJ Luijsterburg, Joost Dekker, Marc A Koopmanschap, Arthur M Bohnen, Jan AN Verhaar, Bart W Koes and Sita MA Bierma-Zeinstra
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:232
  13. Neck-shoulder pain conditions, e.g., chronic trapezius myalgia, have been associated with sensory disturbances such as increased sensitivity to experimentally induced pain. This study investigated pain sensiti...

    Authors: Anna Sjörs, Britt Larsson, Ann L Persson and Björn Gerdle
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:230
  14. Patellar tendinopathy is a chronic overuse injury of the patellar tendon that is especially prevalent in people who are involved in jumping activities. Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is a relatively new trea...

    Authors: Henk van der Worp, Johannes Zwerver, Inge van den Akker-Scheek and Ron L Diercks
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:229
  15. There is little prior research on the burden of arthritis in the developing world. We sought to document how patients with advanced arthritis living in the Dominican Republic are affected by and cope with thei...

    Authors: Nina N Niu, Aileen M Davis, Laura M Bogart, Thomas S Thornhill, Luis Alcantara Abreu, Roya Ghazinouri and Jeffrey N Katz
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:228
  16. Current treatments for osteoporosis are associated with various side effects and do not prevent the age-related decrease in osteoblast number. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of iQPR-H2O o...

    Authors: Chiming Lee, Meileng Cheong, Wentien Hsiao, Henyu Liu, Chingyu Tsai, Mingfu Wang, Chihhsiung Wu, Kwanghwa Chang, Gowlin Lam and Winping Deng
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:227
  17. Total knee replacement (TKR) is a common and effective surgical procedure to relieve advanced knee arthritis that persists despite comprehensive medical treatment. Although TKR has excellent technical outcomes...

    Authors: Milagros C Rosal, David Ayers, Wenjun Li, Carol Oatis, Amy Borg, Hua Zheng and Patricia Franklin
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:226
  18. After menopause, rapid bone mass loss occurs in response to hypoestrogenism. Several studies suggest that muscle mass and bone mineral density (BMD) are positively associated in postmenopausal women. Therefore...

    Authors: Fábio L Orsatti, Eliana AP Nahas, Jorge Nahas-Neto, Cláudio L Orsatti, Moacir Marocolo, Octávio Barbosa-Neto and Gustavo R da Mota
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:225
  19. Fibromyalgia is a common disease, but little is known on its real prevalence in France. This epidemiological study aimed to assess fibromyalgia (FM) prevalence in the French metropolitan population, based on a...

    Authors: Serge Perrot, Eric Vicaut, Dominique Servant and Philippe Ravaud
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:224
  20. Musculoskeletal symptoms are common in the neck, back, and upper limbs amongst musicians. Playing-related musculoskeletal disorders have been found to range from 32% to 87% with a tendency for female musicians...

    Authors: Helene M Paarup, Jesper Baelum, Jonas W Holm, Claus Manniche and Niels Wedderkopp
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:223
  21. The efficacy and tolerability of 500-730 kDa sodium hyaluronate (Hyalgan®) for treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) pain has been established in clinical trials, but few data are available in the Asian population. We...

    Authors: Teng-Le Huang, Chi-Ching Chang, Chian-Her Lee, Shih-Ching Chen, Chien-Hung Lai and Ching-Lin Tsai
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:221
  22. Pain variability in acute LBP has received limited study. The objectives of this pilot study were to characterize fluctuations in pain during acute LBP, to determine whether self-reported 'flares' of pain repr...

    Authors: Pradeep Suri, James Rainville, Garrett M Fitzmaurice, Jeffrey N Katz, Robert N Jamison, Julia Martha, Carol Hartigan, Janet Limke, Cristin Jouve and David J Hunter
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:220
  23. Observational studies have previously shown that adverse events following manipulation to the neck and/or back are relatively common, although these reactions tend to be mild in intensity and self-limiting. Ho...

    Authors: Kirk Eriksen, Roderic P Rochester and Eric L Hurwitz
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:219
  24. A wide variety of cognitive concepts have been shown to play an important role in chronic widespread pain (CWP). Although these concepts are generally considered to be distinct entities, some might in fact be ...

    Authors: Aleid de Rooij, Martijn PM Steultjens, Petra C Siemonsma, Joke A Vollebregt, Leo D Roorda, Willemine Beuving and Joost Dekker
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:218
  25. Bone marrow lesions (BMLs), common osteoarthritis-related magnetic resonance imaging findings, are associated with osteoarthritis progression and pain. However, there are no articles describing the use of 3-di...

    Authors: Jeffrey B Driban, Grace H Lo, Ji Yeon Lee, Robert J Ward, Eric Miller, Jincheng Pang, Lori Lyn Price and Timothy E McAlindon
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:217
  26. There have been few studies focusing on the curve pattern of scoliosis caused by lumbar disc herniation (LDH) in adolescents and the natural history of scoliosis after discectomy. The current study was carried...

    Authors: Zezhang Zhu, Qinghua Zhao, Bin Wang, Yang Yu, Bangping Qian, Yitao Ding and Yong Qiu
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:216
  27. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) stimulation has been used successfully to treat nonunion fractures and femoral head osteonecrosis, but relatively little is known about its effects on preventing steroid-in...

    Authors: Shuai Ding, Hao Peng, Hong-Song Fang, Jian-Lin Zhou and Zhe Wang
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:215
  28. Recent studies using sheep critical sized defect models to test tissue engineered products report high morbidity and complications rates. This study evaluates a large bone defect model in the sheep tibia, stab...

    Authors: Joachim A Hahn, Tanja S Witte, Daniel Arens, Alexandra Pearce and Simon Pearce
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:214
  29. We have recently found a phenomenon that spontaneous regeneration of a hyaline cartilage-like tissue can be induced in a large osteochondral defect by implanting a double-network (DN) hydrogel plug, which was ...

    Authors: Ryusei Imabuchi, Yoshihiro Ohmiya, Hyuck Joon Kwon, Shin Onodera, Nobuto Kitamura, Takayuki Kurokawa, Jian Ping Gong and Kazunori Yasuda
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:213
  30. Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is often accompanied by an abnormal motor performance. However, it has not been clarified yet whether these deviations also occur during motor tasks not involving the back and whet...

    Authors: Dymphy Kusters, Miriam M Vollenbroek-Hutten and Hermie J Hermens
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:211
  31. Ankle sprains are the most common sports and physical activity related injury. There is extensive evidence that there is a twofold increased risk for injury recurrence for at least one year post injury. In up ...

    Authors: Kasper W Janssen, Willem van Mechelen and Evert ALM Verhagen
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:210
  32. In the absence of head-to-head trials, indirect comparisons of randomized placebo-controlled trials may provide a viable option to assess relative efficacy. The purpose was to estimate the relative efficacy of...

    Authors: Robert B Hopkins, Ron Goeree, Eleanor Pullenayegum, Jonathan D Adachi, Alexandra Papaioannou, Feng Xie and Lehana Thabane
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:209
  33. Non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) in subacute and chronic stages can be treated effectively with exercise therapy. Research guidelines recommend evaluating different treatments in defined subgroups of patient...

    Authors: Jeannette Saner, Jan Kool, Rob A de Bie, Judith M Sieben and Hannu Luomajoki
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:207
  34. Minimally invasive vertebral augmentation procedures are widely used to treat vertebral compression fractures although procedural polymethylmethacrylate cement leakage remains common. We report herein our init...

    Authors: Panagiotis Korovessis, Thomas Repantis, Larry E Miller and Jon E Block
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:206
  35. Although leisure-time physical activity is important for health, adherence to regular exercise is challenging for many adults. The workplace may provide an optimal setting to reach a large proportion of the ad...

    Authors: Mette K Zebis, Lars L Andersen, Mogens T Pedersen, Peter Mortensen, Christoffer H Andersen, Mette M Pedersen, Marianne Boysen, Kirsten K Roessler, Harald Hannerz, Ole S Mortensen and Gisela Sjøgaard
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:205
  36. The role played by the thoracolumbar fascia in chronic low back pain (LBP) is poorly understood. The thoracolumbar fascia is composed of dense connective tissue layers separated by layers of loose connective t...

    Authors: Helene M Langevin, James R Fox, Cathryn Koptiuch, Gary J Badger, Ann C Greenan- Naumann, Nicole A Bouffard, Elisa E Konofagou, Wei-Ning Lee, John J Triano and Sharon M Henry
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:203
  37. Prior studies that have concluded that disk degeneration uniformly precedes facet degeneration have been based on convenience samples of individuals with low back pain. We conducted a study to examine whether ...

    Authors: Pradeep Suri, Asako Miyakoshi, David J Hunter, Jeffrey G Jarvik, James Rainville, Ali Guermazi, Ling Li and Jeffrey N Katz
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:202
  38. Fractures of the distal radius are extremely common injuries in adults. However, the optimal management remains controversial. In general, fractures of the distal radius are treated non-operatively if the bone...

    Authors: Matthew L Costa, Juul Achten, Nick R Parsons, Amar Rangan, Richard P Edlin, Jaclyn Brown and Sarah E Lamb
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:201
  39. Maximal isometric quadriceps strength deficits have been widely reported in studies of knee osteoarthritis (OA), however little is known about the effect of osteoarthritis knee pain on submaximal quadriceps ne...

    Authors: Michael J Berger, David G Chess and Timothy J Doherty
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:199
  40. Choice of appropriate MR pulse sequence is important for any research studies using imaging-derived data. The aim of this study was to compare semiquantitative assessment of subchondral bone marrow edema-like ...

    Authors: Daichi Hayashi, Ali Guermazi, C Kent Kwoh, Michael J Hannon, Carolyn Moore, John M Jakicic, Stephanie M Green and Frank W Roemer
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:198
  41. The traditional view that the vast majority of midshaft clavicular fractures heal with good functional outcomes following non-operative treatment may be no longer valid for all midshaft clavicular fractures. R...

    Authors: Sylvia A Stegeman, Mireille de Jong, Cornelis FM Sier, Pieta Krijnen, Jan W Duijff, Tom PH van Thiel, Piet AR de Rijcke, Nicolaj MR Soesman, Tjebbe Hagenaars, Freek D Boekhoudt, Mark R de Vries, Gert R Roukema, Andras FK Tanka, Jephta van den Bremer, Hub GWM van der Meulen, Maarten WGA Bronkhorst…
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:196
  42. Although viscosupplementation is an effective symptomatic treatment for knee osteoarthritis (OA), the effect of longer term administration on articular cartilage has not been fully explored. We examined the ef...

    Authors: Yuanyuan Wang, Stephen Hall, Fahad Hanna, Anita E Wluka, Gail Grant, Paul Marks, Marie Feletar and Flavia M Cicuttini
    Citation: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2011 12:195

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