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Table 1 Inclusion- and exclusion criteria

From: Study protocol: the effect of whole body vibration on acute unilateral unstable lateral ankle sprain- a biphasic randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Age: 18 to 40 years


Acute, unilateral, unstable, inversion ankle sprain (Grade II, III)

Conditions affecting the neuromuscular or musculoskeletal system

Signed informed consent

Previous surgical interventions to the foot, ankle, knee or hip; known FAI, CAI

Patient can read and understand German

Conditions possibly affecting balance


Cardiovascular disease including thrombosis


Respiratory diseases


Abdominal diseases (including gallstones)


Urological diseases (including kidney and bladder stones)


Gynaecological diseases and + intrauterine devices


Neurological diseases including epilepsy within the last 2 years


Acute injuries to the head


Patient is not available for follow-up visits


Patient unable to give informed consent


Patient suspected to be non-compliant

  1. Functional classification system for lateral ankle sprains: Grade II: hematoma/swelling/pain on palpation and positive anterior drawer test (complete tear of the ATFL, incomplete tear of the CFL); Grade III: hematoma/swelling/pain on palpation and positive anterior drawer test and positive talar tilt test (complete tear of the ATFL and CFL); adapted from[46–48]; FAI: Functional ankle instability; CAI: Chronic ankle instability.