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Table 3 Definition of ICF components with examples [18]

From: Goal setting in people with low back pain attending an education and exercise program (GLA:D Back) and the impact of demographic factors

ICF Component

Examples from GLA:D Back (original text shortened)

Main concept

Lowest ICF category

Body Function and Structure (B & S).

Def.: The physiological functions of body systems with body structures referring to the anatomical parts of the body.

Sleep well.

To sleep with good quality

b1343 Quality of sleep

Def.: Mental functions that produce the natural sleep leading to optimal physical and mental rest and relaxation.

Activity and Participation (A & D).

Def.: The complete range of domains denoting aspects of functioning from both an individual and a societal perspective.

Get out of a car.

Engage in a football match.

Getting out of sitting position from car

Engage in organized game.

d4103 Sitting

Def.:Getting into and out of a seated position and changing body position from sitting down to any other position, such as standing up or lying down.

d9201 Sports

Def.: Engaging in competitive and informal or formally organized games or athletic events, performed alone or in a group, such as bowling, gymnastics or soccer.

Contextual factors: Environmental factors and Personal factors (E & P).

Def.: Making up the physical, social, and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives.

Avoid increasing consumption of medicine

Intake of products or substances for personal consumption

e1101 Drugs

Def.: Any natural or human-made object or substance gathered, processed or manufactured for medicinal purposes, such as allopathic and naturopathic medication.