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Table 2 Indications of re-revision

From: A systematic review and meta-analysis of hybrid vs. cemented stems – which method is more optimal for revision total knee arthroplasty?


Indications of Re-Revision Surgery

Lachiewicz PF et al.

- Re-operation for any reason including infection

- Periprosthetic fracture

- Tibial component loosening

Gómez-Vallejo J et al.

- Late onset infection

- Femoral stem breakage caused by fatigue

- Instability

Andrew N Fleischman et al.

- Loosening

- Infection

Kosse NM et al.

- Insert exchange

- Secondary placement of patella prosthesis

Heesterbeek PJ et al.

- Insert exchange

- Secondary patellar resurfacing

- Arthrodesis

- MPFL recon

Jeremy M Gililland et al.

- Infection

- Instability

- Loosening

- Malrotation

- Peri-prosthetic fracture

Edwards PK et al.

- Recurrent infection

- Aseptic loosening

Jacquet C et al.

- Infection

- Dislocation

- Postoperative peri-prosthetic fracture

Mills K et al.

- Neuroma

- Persistent pain

Kemker BP et al.

- Any surgical re-operation e.g. explant, amputation, polyethylene exchange, lysis of adhesions, fracture fixation, extensor mechanism reconstruction

- repeat revision TKA