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Table 4 Quality of included case-control studies (Newcastle Ottawa Scale NOS)

From: The effectiveness of a combined exercise and psychological treatment programme on measures of nervous system sensitisation in adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain - a systematic review and meta-analysis.






Is the case definition adequate?

Representativeness of the cases

Selection of Controls

Definition of Controls

Comparability on the basis of design or analysis

Ascertainment of exposure

Same method ascertainment for cases and controls

Non-Response rate

Final Score

Vaegter et al. [53]










  1. Legend
  2. Each item in the table gets a maximum of 1 point, if it meets the evaluation criteria, which is recorded as “*”
  3. ‘Comparability on the basis of design or analysis’ has a maximum of 2 points available
  4. “-” denotes that the study did not meet the evaluation criteria
  5. There are 8 evaluation items in total, with a full score of 9 points
  6. A higher score means the least risk of bias
  7. NOS: Newcastle Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale