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Table 4 Condensed version of the questions evaluated, and response alternatives of daily life

From: Analyzing the factors associated with efficacy among teriparatide treatment in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis


Response alternatives

A. General cigarettes intake in engaged work or daily life

0. Never smoked


1. Quit smoking


2. Regularly, everyday

B. General tea intake in engaged work or daily life

0. Never drank tea


1. 1 or 2 cups per day


2. Regularly, more than 2 cups (200 ml) per day

C. Coffee consumption in daily life

0. Never drank coffee


1. 1 or 2 cups per day


2. Regularly, more than 2 cups (200 ml) per day

D. Alcohol consumption in daily life

0. Non-drinkers (0 g/day)


1. Light drinking (1–9 g/day women)


2. Moderate drinking (10–29 g/day women)


3. Heavy drinking (≥ 20 g/day women)

  1. Each option was given equal weight in comprehensive score