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Table 3 Comparison of mean DASH and QuickDASH sub scores for the activity and symptoms domains according to injury level

From: Concurrent validity study of QuickDASH with respect to DASH in patients with traumatic upper extremity amputation


DASH activity sub score mean (SD)

QuickDASH activity sub score mean (SD)

MD (95% CI)


DASH symptoms sub score mean (SD)

QuickDASH symptoms sub score mean (SD)

MD (95% CI)


Level of injury

 Distal to carpus

16 (18)

19 (20)

-3 (-3 to -2)

 < 0.000

24 (20)

16 (19)

7 (6 to 9)

 < 0.000

 Proximal to carpus

32 (20)

38 (21)

-5 (-7 to -3)

 < 0.000

36 (22)

29 (27)

7 (1 to 12)



18 (19)

21 (21)

-3 (-4 to -3)

 < 0.000

25 (20)

18 (20)

7 (6 to 9)

 < 0.000

  1. Injury distal to carpus; DASH activity sub score N = 252; DASH symptoms sub score N = 258
  2. Injury proximal to carpus; DASH activity sub score N = 29; DASH symptoms sub score N = 31
  3. All participants; DASH activity sub score N = 281; DASH symptoms sub score N = 289
  4. Injury distal to carpus; QuickDASH activity sub score N = 259; QuickDASH symptoms sub score N = 255
  5. Injury proximal to carpus; QuickDASH activity sub score N = 30; QuickDASH symptoms sub score N = 31
  6. All participants; QuickDASH activity sub score N = 289; QuickDASH symptoms sub score N = 286
  7. Abbreviations: DASH activity score of 1–23 items from the DASH (0–100, where 0 indicates no disability), QuickDASH activity score of 1–8 items from the QuickDASH (0–100, where 0 indicates no disability), DASH symptoms score of 24–30 items from the DASH (0–100, where 0 indicates no symptoms), QuickDASH symptoms score of 9–11 items from the QuickDASH (0–100, where 0 indicates no symptoms), SD standard deviation, MD mean difference of DASH-QuickDASH, CI confidence interval