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Table 3 Independent relationship between Perioperative blood transfusion and LOS

From: Association between perioperative blood transfusion and length of hospital stay in patients with osteoporotic fractures


Crude Modela

Model Ib

Model IIc

β (95%CI)


β (95%CI)


β (95%CI)


Perioperative blood transfusion

0.66 (0.48, 0.85)


0.58 (0.39, 0.76)


0.21 (0.04, 0.37)


  1. aNo adjustment
  2. bAdjusted for AGE; BMI; Gender; Hemoglobin
  3. cAdjusted for Model I plus Primary diagnosis; ASA; Cr; Anesthesia; surgical method; CCI.
  4. Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LOS, length of hospital stay; Cr, creatinine; BMI, body mass index; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CCI, Charlson comorbidity index