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Table 1 Characteristics of individuals included in the sample with information on height at age 11, according to height group at age 11 (The Danish National Birth Cohort, 1996–2003, N = 30,923)

From: Body height and spinal pain in adolescence: a cohort study from the Danish National Birth Cohort


N (%)

Low height group (< 20%)

Normal height group (20–80%)

Tall height group (> 80%)


30,923 (100)

6,740 (21.8)

18,882 (61.1)

5,301 (17.1)

Child’s sex


14,962 (48.4)

3,448 (51.2)

8,906 (47.2)

12,608 (49.2)


15,961 (51.6)

3,292 (48.8)

9,976 (52.8)

2,693 (50.8)

Gestational age


29,335 (94.9)

6,284 (93.3)

17,972 (95.2)

5,079 (95.8)

 Preterm (< 37 weeks)


456 (6.8)

910 (4.8)

222 (4.2)



15,044 (48.7)

3,282 (48.7)

9,135 (48.4)

2,627 (49.6)


15,879 (51.4)

3,458 (51.3)

9,747 (51.6)

2,674 (50.4)

Parental educational level


20,057 (64.9)

4,321 (64.1)

12,323 (65.3)

3,413 (64.4)


10,165 (32.9)

2,230 (33.1)

6,167 (32.7)

1,768 (33.4)


701 (2.3)

189 (2.8)

392 (2.1)

120 (2.3)

Equivalized household income

 4th quartile (highest)

10,482 (33.9)

2,138 (31.7)

6,495 (34.4)

1,849 (34.9)

 3rd quartile

9,087 (29.4)

1,988 (29.5)

5,491 (29.1)

1,608 (30.3)

 2nd quartile

7,121 (23.0)

1,618 (24.0)

4,366 (23.1)

1,137 (21.5)

 1st quartile (lowest)

4,233 (13.4)

996 (14.8)

2,530 (13.4)

707 (13.3)

  1. a Variables were analysed with the chi-squared test of heterogeneity. Chi-squared tests were statistically significant for all variables except for parity