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Table 2 Comparison of the EQ-5D-5L dimensions by gender

From: What is the association between gender and self-perceived health status when controlling for disease-specific conditions? A retrospective data analysis of pre- and post-operative EQ-5D-5L differences in total hip and knee arthroplasty




Male Mean (SD)

Female Mean (SD)

Male Mean (SD)

Female Mean (SD)



1.81 (0.73)

1.86 (0.72)

1.75*** (0.72)

1.82*** (0.67)


1.32 (0.56)

1.30 (0.57)

1.34 (0.57)

1.34 (0.57)


1.37 (0.71)

1.31 (0.64)

1.37 (0.63)

1.42 (0.72)



1.27*** (0.55)

1.21*** (0.50)

1.15 (0.42)

1.13 (0.42)


1.08** (0.31)

1.06** (0.28)

1.08** (0.28)

1.06** (0.30)


1.11*** (0.39)

1.07*** (0.33)

1.13 (0.44)

1.11 (0.41)

Usual activity


1.66*** (0.73)

1.73*** (0.73)

1.55*** (0.69)

1.66*** (0.68)


1.25 (0.51)

1.27 (0.51)

1.32 (0.55)

1.34 (0.56)


1.11*** (0.39)

1.07*** (0.33)

1.32*** (0.60)

1.42*** (0.69)



2.34*** (0.65)

2.47*** (0.66)

2.24*** (0.64)

2.41*** (0.66)


1.44*** (0.57)

1.51*** (0.61)

1.63*** (0.59)

1.74*** (0.60)


1.43 (0.65)

1.46 (0.67)

1.55*** (0.67)

1.73*** (0.77)



1.28*** (0.55)

1.47*** (0.65)

1.18*** (0.42)

1.46*** (0.67)


1.08*** (0.30)

1.14*** (0.39)

1.11*** (0.37)

1.17*** (0.42)


1.14*** (0.45)

1.18*** (0.50)

1.13*** (0.43)

1.19*** (0.50)

  1. Statistically significant difference between gender at a **95% and ***99% significance level
  2. SD Standard Deviation, FU Follow-up