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Table 3 Correlation analysis for the muscular parameters stratified for sex

From: Fat infiltration of the posterior paraspinal muscles is inversely associated with the fat infiltration of the psoas muscle: a potential compensatory mechanism in the lumbar spine


Posterior Paraspinal Muscles (PPM)



CSA [cm2/m2]

fCSA [cm2/m2]

FAT [cm2/m2]

FI [%]

CSA [cm2/m2]

fCSA [cm2/m2]

FAT [cm2/m2]

FI [%]



CSA [cm2/m2]






fCSA [cm2/m2]






FAT [cm2/m2]






FI [%]







CSA [cm2/m2]






fCSA [cm2/m2]






FAT [cm2/m2]






FI [%]






  1. Significant values are marked with * or **. ρ -values marked with * are significant at the 0.05 level. ρ -values marked with ** are significant at the 0.01 level. CSA Cross sectional area, fCSA Functional cross-sectional area, FAT Total fat area, FI fat infiltration