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Table 3 Summary of content on OA prevalence and barriers by intersectional factors

From: Identifying strategies that support equitable person-centred osteoarthritis care for diverse women: content analysis of guidelines



(n, %)


Examples [reference, page number]



Prevalence by intersectional factors


(13, 36.1)

[9, 35,36,37,38, 42, 43, 49, 52, 55, 56, 59, 60, 69]

Hand osteoarthritis (OA) is a common musculoskeletal disease, with prevalence rising steeply with increasing age [43 p16]

The incidence of OA increased significantly with age (4), 10–17% in the population over 40 years old, 50% in the population over 60 years old, and 80% in the population over 75 years old, and the disability rate was 53% [38 p2]


(11, 30.5)

[9, 35,36,37,38, 49, 52, 53, 56, 59, 60, 69]

Prevalence [for hip and knee OA] was higher for females than males [49 p7]

Risk factors of [osteoarthritis] increase with age, especially in women. Although women represent 51% of the general population in the United States, they represent 78% of the patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis between 2008 and 2014 [9 p16]

Socioeconomic status

(1, 2.7)


Living in a community with a high poverty level is independently associated with radiographic OA in 1 or both hips. Low education attainment is independently associated with symptomatic OA of 1 or both hips…age, history of hip developmental disorders, previous hip joint injury, reduced hip ROM (especially hip IR), presence of osteophytes, lower socioeconomic status, higher bone mass, and higher BMI are risk factors for developing hip OA [49 p8]



(1, 2.7)


The incidence of OA is… higher in rural areas than in urban areas [38 p2]


Barriers or challenges by intersectional factors

Socioeconomic status

(3, 8.3)

[9, 41, 47]

Self-management programs are feasible for patients provided they have appropriate access. Some patients may have limited access for participation, making the programs less feasible [9 p35]
