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Table 2 Interventions that were recommended and undertaken

From: High and low value care recommended and undertaken prior to knee or hip arthroplasty: a survey study


Total N = 399

Knee arthroplasty

Hip arthroplasty


Proportion recommended (95% CI)

Proportion uptake (95% CI)

Proportion recommended (95% CI)

Proportion uptake (95% CI)

Proportion recommended (95% CI)

Proportion uptake (95% CI)


Structured strength program

35.4 (30.3–40.7)

91.7 (85.2–95.9)

41.3 (35.1–47.7)

90.2 (82.7–95.2)

19.8 (12.2–29.4)

100 (84.5–100)


Structured walking program

22.4 (18.1–27.2)

78.9 (68.1–84.5)

24.3 (19.1–30.1)

86.7 (75.4–94.1)

17.6 (10.4–26.9)

68.8 (41.3–88.9)



2.4 (1-4.6)

50 (15.7–84.3)

2.4 (0.8–5.2)

66.7 (22.2–95.7)

2.2 (0.2–7.7)

0.0 (0.0-84.2)


Dietary weight management

24.5 (20-29.4)

80.7 (70.6–88.6)

26.3 (20.9–32.2)

80.0 (68.2–88.9)

18.7 (11.3–28.2)

82.4 (56.6–96.2)


Topical NSAIDS

18 (14-22.5)

88.5 (77.8–95.2)

20.2 (15.4–25.8)

86.0 (73.2–94.2)

12.1 (6.2–18.1)

100 (71.5–100)



11.2 (8-15.1)

78.9 (62.7–90.4)

11.3 (7.6–15.9)

82.1 (63.1–93.9)

9.9 (4.6–17.9)

66.7 (29.9–92.5)


Walking stick

34.5 (29.4–39.8)

82.1 (73.1–88.5)

33.6 (27.7–39.9)

81.9 (71.2–89.5)

37.4 (27.4–48.1)

82.4 (65.5–93.2)



7.7 (5.1–11)

84.6 (65.1–95.6)

6.9 (4.1–10.8)

94.1 (71.3–99.8)

9.9 (4.6–17.9)

66.7 (29.9–92.5)


Knee brace/sleeve

13.6 (10.1–17.7)

78.3 (63.6–89.1)

18.2 (13.6–24)

80.0 (65.4–90.4)

1.1 (0.0-5.9)

0 (0.0-97.5)


Walking frame

4.1 (3.3–6.8)

0 (0.0-0.2)

3.2 (1.4–6.3)

0 (0.0-3.7)

6.6 (2.4–13.8)

0 (0.0-4.6)



31.6 (26.6–36.8)

91.6 (84.6–96)

34.8 (28.9–41.1)

91.9 (83.9–96.7)

23.1 (14.9–33.1)

90.5 (69.7–98.8)


Intra-articular corticosteroid

20.4 (16.2–25)

94.2 (85.8–98.4)

21.9 (16.8–27.5)

96.3 (87.2–99.5)

16.5 (9.5–25.7)

86.7 (59.5–98.3)


Foot orthoses/wedge

5 (2.9–7.9)

88.2 (63.5–98.5)

5.7 (3.1–9.3)

78.6 (49.2–95.3)

3.3 (0.1–9.3)

100 (29.2–100)


Anti-epileptic medication

4.1 (2.2–6.8)

100 (76.8–100)

4 (1.9–7.3)

100 (69.1–100)

4.4 (1.2–10.9)

100 (39.8–100)


Simple analgesics

68.1 (62.9–73.1)

94.8 (91.1–97.3)

70.9 (64.7–76.4)

94.9 (90.5–97.6)

60.4 (49.6–70.5)

94.5 (84.9–98.9)


Weak opioid

18 (14-22.5)

95.1 (86.3–98.1)

16.6 (12.1–21.8)

100 (91.4–100)

22 (13.9–31.9)

85.0 (62.1–96.8)


Strong opioid

9.4 (6.5–13.1)

68.8 (50.0-83.9)

8.5 (5.3–12.7)

57.1 (34-78.2)

12.1 (6.2–18.1)

90.9 (58.7–99.8)



4.4 (2.5–7.2)

93.3 (68.1–99.8)

5.7 (3.1–9.3)

92.9 (66.1–99.8)

1.1 (0.0-5.9)

0.0 (0.0-97.5)