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Table 1 Semiquantitative scoring system using the modified Bonar scale [11]

From: Imaging and histological evaluation of the long head of the biceps tendon in the presence of different types of rotator cuff tears








Inconspicuous elongated spindle shaped

Increased roundness: Nucleus becomes more ovoid to round in shape

Increased roundness and size: The nucleus is round

Nucleus is round, large

Ground substance

No stainable ground substance

Stainable mucin between fibers but bundles still discrete

Stainable mucin between fibers with loss of clear demarcation of bundles

Abundant mucin throughout with inconspicuous collagen staining


Collagen arranged in tightly cohesive well demarcated bundles with a smooth dense bright homogeneous polarization pattern with normal crimping

Diminished fiber polarization: Separation of individual fibers with maintenance of demarcated bundle

Bundle changes: Separation of fibers with loss of demarcation of bundles giving rise to expansion of the tissue overall and clear loss of normal polarization pattern

Marked separation of fibers with complete loss of architecture


Inconspicuous blood vessels coursing between bundles

Occasional cluster of capillaries, less than 1 per 10 high power fields

1–2 clusters of capillaries per 10 high power fields

Greater than 2 clusters per 10 high power fields