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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of healthy volunteers and patients with trigger thumb

From: The cross-sectional area ratio of a specific part of the flexor pollicis longus tendon- a stable sonographic measurement for trigger thumb: a cross-sectional trial


Number (male: female)

Age (years)

Normal thumb

271(144: 127)

24.0(1- 80)

Group 1

64(39: 25)

4.5(1- 7)

Group 2

86(46: 40)

11.0(7- 17)

Group 3

62(30: 32)

30.3(19- 40)

Group 4

59(29: 30)

57.6(41- 80)

Trigger thumb

65(13: 52)

40.4(2- 65)

Group A

16(4: 12)

3.8 (2- 6)

Group B

49(9: 40)

52.4(41- 65)

  1. Data are presented as mean (range) where applicable
  2. Group1: 0 – 6 year, Group 2: 7–17 year, Group3:18- 40 year and Group4: ≥ 41 year
  3. Group A: 0- 6 year) and Group B: ≥ 41 year