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Table 2 List of therapeutic exercises

From: Dry needling in a multimodal rehabilitation protocol following rotator cuff repair surgery: study protocol for a double-blinded randomized sham-controlled trial

Type of exercise



Passive range of motion exercises:


    Pendulum exercises

    Forward bow

    P-ROM exercises with physiotherapist for flexion, abduction, internal rotation and external rotation

3 times per day

3 sets X 10 repetitions


Active assisted range of motion exercises:


    Wand exercises for flexion, internal rotation, extension and external rotation in supine position

    Wash the table (flexion on the table)

3 times per day

3 sets X 10 repetitions

2nd & 3rd

Active range of motion exercises:


    Pulley exercises in 3 directions including flexion, internal rotation and external rotation

    Wall slide

    Standing arm elevation in scapular plane

    Standing shoulder flexion

3 times per day

3 sets X 10 repetitions

3rd & 4th

Strengthening exercises


    Horizontal shoulder abduction and extension with low resistance trabands

3 times per day

3 sets X 10 repetitions
