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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Singapore KneE osTeoarthritis CoHort (SKETCH): protocol for a multi-centre prospective cohort study

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

NICE Clinical criteria for OA Knee

NICE Clinical criteria for OA knee: patient is 45 or over and has activity-related joint pain and has either no morning joint-related stiffness or morning stiffness that lasts no longer than 30 min

Alternative diagnosis to knee OA e.g.: referred pain from hip/spine

If co-existing pathology is present, patient can still be recruited if the predominant symptoms are from the OA knee with documentation of the co-existing pathology

Independent community ambulators with or without walking aids

Secondary arthritis e.g., inflammatory


Inability to comply with study protocol e.g.: significant cognitive impairment

Severe and unstable medical comorbidities significantly impairing activities of daily living and risk of serious adverse events as assessed by a medical specialist (e.g., New York Heart Association (NYHA) class 4 cardiac failure with significantly impaired effort tolerance, stroke with significant residual functional weakness, psychiatric disorders such as psychosis, terminal cancer with a less expectancy of less than 12 months)

Previous knee arthroplasty (index knee or contralateral knee)
