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Table 1 Overview of the patient education programme

From: Effectiveness of patient education plus motor control exercise versus patient education alone versus motor control exercise alone for rural community-dwelling adults with chronic low back pain: a randomised clinical trial





a. Interactive session/discussions/questions

b. Meaning of low back pain

c. Common myths and facts about low back pain

d. Common beliefs about low back pain

a. To establish good rapport and explore participants' beliefs about low back pain

b. To promote a better understanding of low back pain

c. To understand the common myths and facts about low back pain

d. To reshape false or unhelpful beliefs about low back pain


a. Basic anatomy

b. Pain causation

a. To promote understanding of the robustness and function of the spine

b. To promote a better understanding of the cause of pain


a. Basic pain education (part 1)

b. Basic pain education (part 2

a. To promote basic knowledge about pain mechanisms from modern pain models

b. To educate on the common factors associated with pain experience


a. Resumption of work and remaining active

b. Pain coping and pacing

a. To encourage the resumption of normal activities and the importance of remaining active despite pain

b. To promote better active coping through adopting safe and effective pacing during flare-ups


Self-care skills

To promote self-management strategies and reduce overreliance on formal health care utilisation


a. Postural modification

b. Increasing activity levels

a. To promote healthy postural habits using current evidence on ergonomics

b. To promote the importance of improving activity levels


a. Lifestyle modification

b. Warning signs and what to do

a. To promote a healthy lifestyle

b. Promote understanding of red flags and the importance of hospital visit


Review of information and application

To evaluate understanding and application of information