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Table 1 Sample characteristics (n = 37)

From: Construct validity and reliability of the 2-Minute Step Test (2MST) in individuals with low back pain



Age (years), mean (SD)

32.48 (9.06)

Sex (female), n (%)

31 (83.8)

Education, n (%)


27 (73)


10 (27)

Smoking (no), n (%)

37 (100)

Alcoholism (no), n (%)

25 (67.6)

BQ (score), mean (SD)


2.77 (0.48)


2.13 (0.73)


2.14 (0.61)

Body mass (kg), mean (SD)

67.36 (18.18)

Stature (m), mean (SD)

1.61 (0.07)

Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD)

25.70 (6.18)

Pain duration (months), mean (SD)

64.94 (51.40)

NPRS (score), mean (SD)

 At rest

5.24 (2.36)

 After movements

5.83 (2.14)

PCTS (score), mean (SD)

2.19 (1.18)

TSK (score), mean (SD)

42.89 (8.48)

RMDQ (score), mean (SD)

8.16 (5.05)

  1. BQ Baecke Habitual Physical Activity Questionnaire, NPRS Numeric Pain Rating Scale, PCTS Pain-Related Catastrophizing Thoughts Scale, TSK Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, RMDQ Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire, SD Standard deviation