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Table 2 Summary of the descriptive results and the correlations of all the potential explanatory variables with the critical shoulder angle

From: A predictive model for the critical shoulder angle based on a three-dimensional analysis of scapular angular and linear morphometrics

Explanatory Variable

Mean [SD]

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient

Glenoid inclination (o)

7.14 [4.10]


Glenoid version (o)



Acromial Box Width wt

0.14 [0.04]


Anterior Acromial Box Length wt

0.30 [0.04]


Posterior Acromial Box Length wt

0.12 [0.02]


Anterior Acromial Box Area

0.77 [0.10]


Posterior Acromial Box Area

0.62 [0.11]


Axial plane angulation of the acromion (o)

65.12 [9.80]


Sagittal plane angulation of the acromion (o)

61.23 [9.39]


Coronal plane angulation of the acromion (o)

7.16 [15.42]


Spinal Length Wt

0.29 [0.04]


Coronal plane scapula spine angulation (o)

37.96 [5.94]


Axial plane scapula spine angulation (o)

35.61 [7.23]


Sagittal plane scapula spine angulation (o)



Spinoglenoid distance x plane wt

0.17 [0.02]


Spinoglenoid distance y plane wt

0.07 [0.01]


Spinoglenoid distance z plane wt

0.07 [0.02]
