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Table 3 Comparison of quantitative MRI measurements between AS patients and healthy controls

From: T2 mapping and fat quantification of lumbar paraspinal muscle in ankylosing spondylitis: a case control study


FF (%)a

CSA (mm2)b

T2fatsat value (ms)b

T2non-fatsat value (ms)a

HC (n = 37)

AS (n = 37)

HC (n = 37)

AS (n = 37)

HC (n = 37)

AS (n = 37)

HC (n = 37)

AS (n = 37)

L3/4 MF

23.78 ± 4.76

27.98 ± 9.04**

590.48 ± 112.76

526.87 ± 78.81**

37.56 ± 1.72

40.35 ± 3.43***

45.37 ± 3.36

51.05 ± 7.48***

L3/4 ES

25.84 ± 4.98

31.16 ± 7.51***

1838.55 ± 375.75

1575.53 ± 296.72***

37.38 ± 1.94

38.51 ± 2.29*

44.64 ± 4.15

48.62 ± 6.18**

L4/5 MF

27.38 ± 6.01

30.78 ± 7.76*

888.26 ± 93.79

827.01 ± 152.97*

38.77 ± 3.55

39.27 ± 4.52

47.78 ± 5.05

52.50 ± 7.21*

L4/5 ES

30.79 ± 5.45

35.93 ± 7.69***

1459.61 ± 278.13

1276.23 ± 237.94**

38.17 ± 6.24

39.50 ± 2.52

47.68 ± 5.08

52.73 ± 7.51***

  1. Note: The values are given as means ± standard deviation; a independent samples t test; b Mann–Whitney U test
  2. AS Ankylosing spondylitis, HC Healthy control, MF multifidus, ES erector spinae, FF Fat fraction, CSA Cross-sectional area
  3. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, versus healthy controls