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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of AS patients and healthy controls

From: T2 mapping and fat quantification of lumbar paraspinal muscle in ankylosing spondylitis: a case control study

Variables, N (%) or mean ± SD

AS (n = 37)

HC (n = 37)


Age, y

27.65 ± 7.32

27.81 ± 3.63




10 (27.1%)

13 (35.1%)



27 (72.9%)

24 (64.9%)


BMI, kg/m2

20.83 ± 3.21

21.76 ± 2.18


Current smoking


7 (18.9%)

2 (5.4%)



30 (81.1%)

35 (94.6%)


Alcohol consumption


8 (21.6%)

6 (16.2%)



29 (78.4%)

31 (83.8%)


Exercise habit


21 (56.8%)

16 (43.2%)



14 (37.8%)

15 (40.5%)


  ≥ 3/wk

2 (5.4%)

6 (16.2%)


Disease duration, y

6.24 ± 4.56


ESRe, mm/H

22.94 ± 28.31


CRPf, mg/L

20.49 ± 29.33


BASFI Score (0–10)

0.37 ± 0.70


BASDAI Score (0–10)

2.46 ± 2.17


HLA-B27 positive

34 (91.9%)


TNF inhibitor biological therapy

3 (8.1%)

  1. Note: The values are given as frequencies (percentages) or means ± standard deviation; a Mann–Whitney U test; b Pearson chi-squared test; c independent samples t test; d Fisher exact test; A p-value of < 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance
  2. e Normal range: 0–15 mm/H for female and 0–20 mm/H for male
  3. f Normal range: 0–8 mg/L
  4. Y Years, WK Week, ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein, BMI Body mass index, BASFI Bath AS function index, BASDAI Bath AS disease activity index, AS Ankylosing spondylitis, HC Healthy control, HLA-B27 Human leukocyte antigen-B27, TNF Tumor necrosis factor