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Table 1 Combined physio-hemsball training protocol

From: Effects of neuromuscular training on postural control of children with intellectual disability and developmental coordination disorders


First and second week (3 × 10)

Third, fourth, fifth week (3 × 12)

Sixth, seventh and eighth week (3 × 15)

Warm up

10 min: Mid-paced walk 7 min and Stretching 3 min


Basic coordination exercises

Wall coordination exercises

Two-person coordination exercises

Coordination training

Exc.1: Roll the ball from one hand to the other through the palm of the hand

Exc.2: Throw the ball from one hand to the other with palms facing each other and held at a hand’s distance

Exc.3: Release the ball from the fingertips while pushing the arm upwards

Exc.4: Release the ball to the ground while standing, catch it with one or both hands

Exc.5: Catch the ball which has been released to the ground while standing with one or both hands while hunkering

Exc.6: Dribble the ball during every second step while walking

Exc.1: Catch a ball that is thrown against a wall and bounces back while in a sitting position facing the wall with one or both hands (1–2-3 m)

Exc.2: Hold the ball while standing up facing the wall and catching it with the same or a different hand

Exc.3: Catch a ball that is thrown onto the ground and bounces back from the wall with one or both hands while standing and facing the wall

Exc.4: Catch a ball with one or both hands that is thrown into a hoop left in front of a wall and rebounds from the wall

Exc.1: Two students with intellectual disabilities standing in alignment facing the wall catch a ball thrown onto the ground and rebound from the wall with both hands

Exc.2: An intellectual disability student catches a ball that is thrown directly at the wall by the trainer and falls to the ground from the wall

Exc.3: The trainer standing behind the intellectual disability student facing the wall throws the ball on the ground and the ball rebounding from the wall is caught by the intellectual disability student

Exc.4: An intellectual disability student standing on a foot plate catches a ball that is thrown by the trainer at different speeds

Exc.5: Two intellectual disability students face each other on the foot plates in the game area and throw a ball at the target board with one hand and catch the ball with two hands

Exc.6: The trainer and student practice throwing on the game court on one foot and on two feet

Physiobal training

1-Upper-body roll out

2-Inclined press-up

3- Contralateral single-leg hold

4- Quadruped exercise

1-Upper-body roll out

2-Inclined press-up

3- Contralateral single-leg hold

4- Quadruped exercise

1-Upper-body roll out

2-Inclined press-up

3- Contralateral single-leg hold

4- Quadruped exercise

3 set with 3 repetitions

Hold time 4 s

30 s rest

2 set with 3 repetitions

Hold time 4 s

30 s rest

1 set with 3 repetitions

Hold time 4 s

30 s rest

Cool down

5 min: Low-paced walk 2 and min Stretching 3 min