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Table 3 Comparison of ESR (mm/h) showing the progression at the various follow-up timepoints of treatment between the two groups

From: Comparative efficacy of traditional conservative treatment and CT-guided local chemotherapy for mild spinal tuberculosis


Before treatment

At the 1 month

At the 3 months

At the 18 months

Last follow-up

Group A

71.52 ± 14.85

30.54 ± 9.15

15.37 ± 3.17

10.56 ± 2.35

9.32 ± 2.07

Group B

73.23 ± 18.79

20.20 ± 8.65

10.05 ± 2.44

9.87 ± 2.61

8.81 ± 1.75

P value






  1. a There was no significant difference in ESR before treatment between the two groups (Repeated measure analysis, p > 0.05)
  2. b There was significant difference in ESR at the 1 month of treatment between the two groups (Repeated measure analysis, p < 0.05)
  3. c There was no significant difference in ESR at the 3 months of treatment between the two groups (Repeated measure analysis, p > 0.05)
  4. d There was no significant difference in ESR at the 18 months of treatment between the two groups (Repeated measure analysis, p > 0.05)
  5. e There was no significant difference in ESR at the last follow-up between the two groups (Repeated measure analysis, p > 0.05)