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Table 1 Characteristics of 50 participants with wrist osteoarthritis (OA)

From: Psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in wrist osteoarthritis: test–retest reliability and construct validity


Age, mean (SD; min–max)

66 (9; 41–79)

Male sex, n (%)

40 (80)

Affected wrist, dominant, n (%)

33 (66)

Type of OA, n (%)


38 (76)


6 (12)

 Idiopathic OA

5 (10)

 Mb Kienböck

1 (2)

Days between T1-T2, mean (SD; min–max)

16.7 (17.4; 4–86)

  1. SLAC Scaphoid Lunate Advanced Collapse, SNAC Scaphoid Non-union Advanced Collapse, T1 Test occasion 1, T2 Test occasion 2