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Table 1 Inclusion criteria

From: Protocol for a multicenter prospective cohort study evaluating arthroscopic and non-surgical treatment for microinstability of the hip joint


Hip pain

Physical examination

AB-HEER test

Prone instability test

HEER test

Hip flexion + rotation arc ≥ 200°

Beighton score >4


FEAR index > -5°

Borderline dysplasia

 • LCE 20° to <25°

 • ACE 20° to <25°

 • Tönnis angle >10° to 14°

Cliff sign

Intra-articular hip injection (mepivacaine)

At least 50% reduction of pain

  1. The inclusion criteria are symptoms of hip pain together with at least one other positive finding on physical examination or imaging suggestive of hip microinstability and at least a 50% reduction in pain following an intra-articular hip injection of Mepivacaine. AB-HEER abduction-hyperextension-external rotation, ACE anterior center edge, HEER hyperextension-external rotation, FEAR Femoro-Epiphyseal Acetabular Roof, LCE lateral center edge