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Table 3 Case definition with the highest agreement and work exposures for which consensus was reached - results of Delphi round 1 (N = 63) and Delphi round 2 (N = 56)

From: Towards harmonisation of case definitions for eight work-related musculoskeletal disorders - an international multi-disciplinary Delphi study


Delphi Round 1

Delphi Round 2

Number of panellists who rated a case definition ≥5 on a 9-point rating scale (N(%)).

Median (range)

Number of panellists who rated a case definition ≥7 on a 9-point rating scale (N(%)).

Median (range)

Non-specific low back pain

 Case definition

< 3 months of pain, muscle tension or stiffness localized below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds, without leg pain.

53 (84%)

7 (1–9)

38 (68%)

7 (2–9)

 Work exposure

A. Manual handling of loads.

61 (97%)

8 (4–9)

52 (93%)

8 (4–9)

B. Whole-body vibration.

61 (97%)

7 (4–9)

48 (86%)

8 (4–9)

C. Frequently bending and twisting of the trunk.

61 (97%)

8 (4–9)

52 (93%)

8 (5–9)

D. Manual lifting.

57 (91%)

8 (3–9)

52 (93%)

8 (4–9)

Lumbosacral radicular syndrome

 Case definition

A pain with/without functional limitation, lasting less than 4 weeks (1 month), in the posterior region included between the inferior limit of the costal arch and the inferior buttock fold, with posterior irradiation below the knee or anterior to the thigh. Leg pain can be present even without lumbar pain.

57 (91%)

7 (2–9)

39 (70%)

7 (3–9)

 Work exposure

A. Manual handling of heavy loads.

61 (97%)

7 (4–9)

52 (93%)

8 (4–9)

B. Bending or twisting of the trunk.

58 (92%)

7 (2–9)

48 (86%)

8 (5–9)

C. Whole-body vibration.



42 (75%)

7 (3–9)

D. Manual lifting.



46 (82%)

8 (4–9)

Subacromial pain syndrome

 Case definition

All signs/symptoms below:

1. Intermittent shoulder pain without paresthesia.

2. Pain worsened by active elevation movement of the upper arm as in scratching of the upper back.

3. Symptoms present now or on at least 4 days during the last 7 days.

60 (95%)

7 (4–9)

38 (68%)

7 (3–9)

 Work exposure

A. Arm elevation (hand at or above shoulder height).

62 (98%)

8 (4–9)

45 (80%)

8 (5–9)

B. Combination of:

1. Arm elevation (hand at or above shoulder height).

2. Repetitive work with hand and/or arm.

3. Daily work with vibrating hand tools.

4. High force of upper extremity.



51 (91%)

8 (4–9)

Carpal tunnel syndrome

 Case definition

All signs/symptoms below:

Intermittent paresthesia or pain in at least 2 of digits I, II or III.

Either may be present at night as well (allowing pain in the palm, wrist, or radiation proximal to the wrist).

Symptoms present now or on at least 4 days during the last 7 days.

55 (87%)

7 (3–9)

41 (73%)

7 (4–9)

 Work exposure

A. Repetition (frequency of exertion and duty cycle of exertion) of wrist/hand/fingers.

61 (97%)

8 (4–9)

53 (95%)

8 (5–9)

B. Force (peak effort exerted by the hand).

61 (97%)

7 (3–9)

51 (91%)

8 (4–9)

C. Combined exposures (repetition + force).

60 (95%)

8 (1–9)

54 (97%)

9 (6–9)

D. Vibration of the hand/arm.

60 (95%)

8 (4–9)

49 (88%)

8 (3–9)

Lateral elbow tendinopathy

 Case definition

All signs/symptoms below:

1. Intermittent, activity dependent pain directly located around the lateral epicondyle.

2. Symptoms present now or on at least 4 days during the last 7 days.

3. Local pain on resisted wrist extension (lateral).

4. Pain exacerbated when holding a coffee cup.



40 (71%)

7 (2–9)

 Work exposure

Combination of turn and screw

61 (97%)

7 (3–9)

48 (86%)

8 (5–9)

Repetitive bending and twisting of the elbow

60 (95%)

7 (3–9)

49 (88%)

8 (3–9)

High physical exertion combined with elbow movements

57 (91%)

7 (3–9)

45 (80%)

8 (4–9)

High physical exertion of the wrist combined with elbow movements.



42 (75%)

7 (2–9)

Medial elbow tendinopathy

 Case definition

All signs/symptoms below:

1. Intermittent, activity dependent pain directly located around the medial epicondyle.

2. Symptoms present now or on at least 4 days during the last 7 days

3. Local pain on resisted wrist flexion (medial).

4. Tenderness on direct pressure.



42 (75%)

7.5 (2–9)

Work exposure

A. High hand grip forces

59 (94%)

7 (4–9)

45 (80%)

8 (4–9)

B. Repetitive movements

61 (97%)

7 (4–9)

42 (75%)

7 (1–9)

A. A combination of:

1.Handling loads

2.High hand grip forces

3.Repetitive movements

4. Working with vibrating hand tools



42 (75%)

8 (3–9)

Knee osteoarthritis

Case definition

Pain in the knee and at least three of the six symptoms assessed by physical examination /signs/personal factors:

1. Age ≥ 50 years

2. Stiffness < 30 min.

3. Crepitus.

4. Pain at palpation knee bone.

5. Bone deformation (X-ray).

6. No palpable warmth.



35 (63%)

7 (1–9)

Work exposure

A. Kneeling and/or squatting

62 (98%)

8 (3–9)

52 (93%)

8 (4–9)

B. Jumping

60 (95%)

7 (3–9)

48 (86%)

8 (4–9)

C. Climbing the stairs/ladder

58 (92%)

7 (1–9)

48 (86%)

8 (5–9)

D. Heavy Lifting



44 (79%)

8 (4–9)

Hip osteoarthritis

Case definition

Combination of:

1. Pain distal thigh or even medial knee region.

2. Limited range of motion.

3. Disability.

4. Morning stiffness < 1 h.

5. Degeneration (X-ray)



36 (64%)

7 (2–9)

Work exposure

A. Heavy lifting

58 (92%)

7 (2–9)

46 (82%)

8 (1–9)

  1. NA: not applicable as these case definitions or work exposure were suggested in Delphi round 1 to be added to Delphi round 2. In bold consensus reached (consensus was a priori defined when ≥75% of the panellists rated a case definition with ≥7 on a 9-point rating scale)