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Table 9 Statistical analysis of the angle between the lateral nail and the humeral shaft, the angle between the anterolateral nail and the humeral shaft, and the angle between the greater tuberosity of the humerus and the humeral shaft in a three-dimensional model of the humerus

From: Digital analysis of external fixation area of proximal humerus fractures in elderly patients


\(\overline{x}\) ±s (°)

Range (°)

Angle between the lateral nail and humeral shaft

 Coronal surface

42.84 ± 2.45

37.02 ~ 46.31

 Sagittal plane

28.24 ± 2.25

19.22 ~ 28.51

Angle between the anterior nail and humeral shaf

 Coronal surface

36.14 ± 1.75

30.32 ~ 39.61

 Sagittal plane

28.64 ± 1.37

22.82 ~ 32.11

Angle between humeral greater nodule and humeral shaft

 Coronal surface

148.26 ± 1.98

144.79 ~ 155.08

 Sagittal plane

161.76 ± 2.15

159.29 ~ 167.58