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Table 1 Exclusion and inclusion criteria

From: Extending the straight leg raise test for improved clinical evaluation of sciatica: validity and diagnostic performance with reference to the magnetic resonance imaging

Exclusion criteria:

∙ Known spinal tumor or malignacy

∙ Incomplete and/or painful knee extension

∙ Previously known other joint involvement, such as rheumatoid arthritis or already recognized metabolic bone disease

∙ Age more than 65 years or younger than 18 years

∙ Subjects' refusal to give informed consent to participate

∙ Claustrophobia on unwillingness to undergo magnetic resonance imaging

Sciatic group - Inclusion criteria:

∙ A combination of sciatic symptoms and clinical findings indicative of sciatica

∙ A 'positive' ESLR at clinical examination by study controller

∙ Radiating pain to lower limb either below or above the knee

Control group - Inclusion criteria:

∙ Local low back pain, greater trochanteric/hip/groin pain, with or without hamstring tightness

∙ No signs of sciatica in clinical examinitation

ESLR 'negative' performed by the study controller with no neurological findings indicating radiculopathy

  1. ESLR = Extended straight leg raise test