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Table 1 Demographic and Clinical data (12 Patients, 15 Knees)

From: Debridement, antibiotics, and implant retention combined with direct intra-articular antibiotic infusion in patients with acute hematogenous periprosthetic joint infection of the knee

Age (years)

65.9 (48–82)



3 (25%)


9 (75%)

BMI (kg./m2)

27.7 (22.9–42.0)

ASA Classification


3 (25%)


8 (67%)


1 (8%)



6 (50%)


10 (83%)

 Chronic renal failure

1 (8%)

 Rheumatoid arthritis

1 (8%)

 Coronary artery disease

1 (8%)

Duration of symptom (hours)

107.2 (24–240)

Preoperative laboratory data

 Serum ESR (mm/hour)

92.7 (60–155)

 Serum CRP (mg/L)

173.4 (14–381)

 Synovial WBC (Cell/mm3)

52,736 (3400 - 140,000)

 Synovial PMN (%)

96.1 (82–100)


 No growth

10 (66.7%)

 Group A streptococcus

2 (13.3%)

 Group B streptococcus

1 (6.7%)

Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

2 (13.3%)

Duration of Intraarticular injection (days)

17.5 (7–24)

Time to normal serum CRP (days)

71.4 (23–312)

Length of stay (days)

36.7 (4–66)

Follow up time (months)

93.3 (56–133)

  1. ASA American Society of Anaesthesiologists, BMI body mass index, MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, CRP C-reactive protein, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, WBC white blood cell, PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophils