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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the included patients

From: Low CT attenuation and high fatty infiltration rate of psoas are risk factors for incisional hernias after appendicectomy: a cross-sectional single-center study from China

Patient data

(n = 120)

Age (y)

62.5 ± 13.3

Gender (n, %)


55 (45.8%)


65 (54.2%)

BMIa (kg/m2)

25.9 (23.8–27.7)

 < 18.5, underweight (n, %)

0 (0%)

 18.5–25.0, normal weight (n, %)

49 (40.8%)

 25.0–30.0, overweight (n, %)

58 (48.3%)

 > 30, obesity (n, %)

12 (10%)

Smoking (n, %)


84 (70.0%)


36 (30.0%)

Hypertension (n, %)


58 (48.3%)


62 (51.7%)

Diabetes (n, %)


23 (19.2%)


97 80.8%)

  1. BMI Body mass index
  2. aOne patient’s BMI is missing as he was too weak to stand and have his weight measurement taken