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Table 3 Baseline participant scores

From: Transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tCDS) after subacromial injections in patients with subacromial pain syndrome: a randomized controlled pilot study

Outcome measure

r-tDCS group

s-tDCS group


All groups


56.70 (17.69)

43.66 (22.20)

40.66 (15.96)

46.88 (18.86)


27.58 (13.46)

44.43 (20.75)

42.41 (21.85)

42.85 (18.07)

Pain VASa

48.26 (20.65)

53.58 (19.11)

61.84 (15.41)

54.94 (18.76)

Activity VASa

59.02 (22.01)

55.78 (22.35)

59.69 (19.80)

58.24 (20.82)


56.67 (17.68)

57.00 (16.40)

47.56 (19.05)

53.42 (17.92)

Strength (kg)

 - Jobe

7.82 (3.90)

8.09 (2.44)

7.92 (3.95)

8.11 (3.45)

 - External rotation

8.56 (3.95)

9.57 (2.97)

9.23 (4.32)

9.27 (3.69)

 - Internal rotation

13.27 (5.55)

13.29 (4.55)

13.60 (6.30)

13.60 (5.34)

Range of motion (°)

 - Abduction

160.83 (22.85)

164.33 (17.23)

160.14 (26.03)

161.86 (22.30)

 - Flexion

157.92 (13.67)

163.50 (15.50)

155.64 (25.07)

159.49 (18.78)

 - Scaption

159.75 (17.39)

170.18 (13.55)

159.14 (21.39)

163.75 (17.17)


 - AT

0.5320 (0.1306)

0.5346 (0.0490)

0.4554 (0.1469)

0.50 (0.12)

 - AC

317.19 (50.21)

329.61 (72.85)

293.06 (44.94)

309.75 (55.48)

 - LIA

0.0567 (0.0260)

0.0490 (0.0140)

0.0646 (0.0217)

0.058 (0.021)

 - MIA

0.2054 (0.0821)

0.2185 (0.1032)

0.2214 (0.0593)

0.217 (0.076)

 - HIA

0.7609 (0.0973)

0.7531 (0.1122)

0.7367 (0.0714)

0.748 (0.088)

  1. Results shown as Mean (SD)
  2. Abbreviations: SD Standard Deviation, AT active time, AC activity count, LIA low intensity activity, MIA medium intensity activity, HIA high intensity activity, VAS visual analog scale
  3. aArithmetic mean for the first week