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Table 3 Differences of HEIQ scores between users and non-users of the updated ‘My Joint Pain’ website from 12 to 24 months

From: My joint pain, a web-based resource, effects on education and quality of care at 24 months

HeiQ domain a




RR (95% CI)

RR (95% CI)

1. Health Directed Activity

0.969 (0.853, 1.101)

0.948 (0.760, 1.182)

2. Positive and Active Engagement in Life

0.889 (0.808, 0.979)

1.065 (0.853, 1.330)

3. Emotional Distress

1.261 (1.113, 1.428)

0.919 (0.733, 1.152)

4. Self-Monitoring and Insight

0.947 (0.867, 1.034)

1.110 (0.929, 1.325)

5. Constructive Attitudes and Approaches

0.997 (0.910, 1.092)

0.968 (0.788, 1.190)

6. Skill and Technique Acquisition

0.912 (0.823, 1.009)

0.840 (0.662, 1.068)

7. Social Integration and Support

0.911 (0.820, 1.011)

1.180 (0.957, 1.456)

8. Health Service Navigation

1.063 (0.952, 1.188)

1.100 (0.905, 1.336)

  1. aScores range from −3 to 3, a RR over 1 indicates a favourable effect in user group except for emotional distress. Multivariable models were adjusted for age, sex and body mass index
  2. Data in bold indicates variables with a P value < 0.05 for between group comparisons
  3. HEIQ Health Evaluation Impact Questionnaire, RR risk ratio, CI confidence interval