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Table 2 Patient Intervention Feedback Questions

From: Acceptability of telephone-based pain coping skills training among African Americans with osteoarthritis enrolled in a randomized controlled trial: a mixed methods analysis

1) On a scale of 0–10, with 0 being not helpful at all and 10 being very helpful, how much did this program help you to manage your arthritis symptoms?

 a) What is the reason you picked a “(score from #1)”?

2) Has participating in the program made a difference in your experience with arthritis? (Yes, No)

 a) If yes, how? If no, why not?

 b) Are there things that you can do now that you couldn’t or didn’t do before?

 c) Has your participation in the program made a difference in:

  i) the way you feel about your arthritis? How?

  ii) how you feel about your ability to manage your symptoms? How?

  iii) your mood? How?

  iv) your relationships?

3) For each skill (Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Mini Relaxation Practices, Communicating with Others about Pain and Coping, Managing Unhelpful Mood, Activity Pacing, Pleasant Activities, Pleasant Imagery and Other Distraction Techniques, Problem Solving):

 i) On a scale of 0–10, with 0 being not helpful at all and 10 being very helpful, how helpful was this skill for you?

 ii) Are you currently using this skill:

  (1) Never

  (2) Occasionally

  (3) Frequently

 iii) Is there anything else you would like to add about your use of this skill in terms of things that get in the way of you using it or maybe things that have helped you to use this skill in your daily life?