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Table 1 Characteristics of study participants

From: Association between hip muscle cross-sectional area and hip pain and function in individuals with mild-to-moderate hip osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study


N = 27

Age, years

63.2 (7.6)

Female, n (%)

18 (66.7)

Body mass index, kg/m2

28.0 (4.1)

Joint space width, mm

2.39 (0.98)

Kellgren-Lawrence grade, n (%)


1 (3.7)


11 (40.7)


13 (48.1)


2 (7.4)

Hip muscle cross-sectional area, cm2


  Psoas major

13.9 (3.7)

  Rectus femoris

8.0 (2.3)

  Flexors totala

21.8 (5.7)


  Gluteus maximus

46.1 (10.2)


  Adductor longus and magnus

40.3 (10.8)


  Gluteus medius and minimus

32.4 (6.9)


  Obturator internus

11.9 (2.0)

  Obturator externus

26.5 (4.7)

  Rotators totalb

38.5 (5.7)

HOOS scores


66.5 (21.6)


66.7 (18.6)

 Activity of daily living

72.6 (24.2)

 Sport and recreation function

60.7 (28.7)

 Hip-related quality of life

52.3 (25.0)

  1. Data presented as mean (standard deviation) or n (%).
  2. HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
  3. aPsoas major + Rectus femoris; bObturator internus + Obturator externus