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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients referred to tertiary care due to hip and groin pain

From: Hip-related groin pain, patient characteristics and patient-reported outcomes in patients referred to tertiary care due to longstanding hip and groin pain: a cross-sectional study

Inclusion criteria

Unilateral or bilateral hip/groin pain > 3 months

Age 18–55 years

No previous hip surgery

Exclusion criteria

Other hip pathology (i.e., Perthes disease)

Verified moderate or severe osteoarthritis (OA) (Tönnis grade > 1)

Patients that had received intra-articular or peri-articular injection with corticosteroids during the last 2 months

Palpable hernia

Low-back pain with a positive Lasègue test with or without MRI-verified lower back/spine pathology

Other musculoskeletal co-morbidities overriding the hip-related symptoms and dysfunction

Co-morbidities excluding physical activity and training,

Psychosocial disorders

Drug abuse

Not understanding the language of interest.