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Table 4 ViMove (dorsaVi) Assessment

From: The Back Pain and Movement (B-PAM) registry; a study protocol

Posture / Movement performed by subject:

Instructions to the Subject

Standing – ‘normal’ posture (calibration)

Warm up – walk at comfortable pace for 20 s.

Stop and reach towards the ceiling as high as you can.

Stand with feet hip distance apart.

Look straight ahead.

Now we are going to measure your posture

Stand still whilst I count to 5.

Flexion (subject chooses speed, using support for balance if required)

We want to see how you bend forward.

When I say go, bend forward as far as possible, hold for 3 s, and then return to the starting position.

Repeat this × 3


We want to see how you bend backward.

Cross your arms over your chest.

When I say go, bend back as far as possible and then return to the starting position.

Repeat this × 3

Lateral flexion - right

We want to see how you bend sideways.

Place your arms by your side.

When I say go, slide your right arm down your right leg as far as possible and then return to starting position.

Repeat this × 3

Lateral flexion - left

We want to see how you bend sideways.

When I say go, slide your left arm down your left leg as far as possible and then return to starting position.

Repeat this × 3

Pelvic tilt in standing

We want to see how you move your pelvis and see if you can move it without moving the rest of your body.

This is how you tip your pelvis forward (demo) and this is how you tip your pelvis back. One forward and one back counts as one total movement.

Have a practice (max 10 s) and I will start recording your movement.

I want you to do this at least 3 times.

Usual sitting posture (as demonstrated by subject)

Take a seat in your chair. Show us how you usually sit.

Poor sitting posture (as demonstrated by subject)

Now show us how you sit when you are sitting poorly.

Good sitting posture (as demonstrated by subject)

Now show us how you sit when you are sitting in a good position.

Pelvic tilt in sitting – through full range

We want to see how you move your pelvis in the chair and see if you can move it without moving the rest of your body.

Sit to the front of the chair.

Roll forward as far as possible and then roll back onto your Tailbone as far as possible.

This is how you tip your pelvis forward (demo) and this is how you tip your pelvis back.

Have a practice (max 10 s) and I will start recording your movement.

I want you to do this at least 3 times.

40 m (4x10m) Fast Paced Walk Test

For this test, do the best you can by going as fast as you can, without running, but don’t push yourself to a point of overexertion or beyond what you think is safe for you.

1. Start with both feet on the start line.

2. On start, walk as quickly but as safely as possible, without running.

3. Walk up to the end cone, turn around and walk back to the starting cone behind you, turn again and back to the end cone, then turn once more and return to the start cone again so that you walk the 10 m walkway 4 times in total.

4. Get ready and START”.

30 s sit-to-stand test

For this test, do the best you can by going as fast as you can but don’t push yourself to a point of overexertion or beyond what you think is safe for you.

1. Place your hands on the opposite shoulder so that your arms are crossed at the wrists and held close across your chest. Keep your arms in this position for the test.

2. Keep your feet flat on the floor and at shoulder width apart.

3. On the signal to begin, stand up to a full stand position and then sit back down again so as your bottom fully touches the seat.

4. Keep going for 30 s and until I say stop.

5. Get ready and START”.