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Table 1 Range of motion and predicted minimum mean differences between back pain and control groups

From: The Back Pain and Movement (B-PAM) registry; a study protocol

ROM outcome

Non-back pain group Observed Mean (SD)

Predicted minimum mean difference between control and back pain group


 30–39 years

-30 (6.9)

± 2.76

 40–49 years

−32 (10.1)

± 4.04

 50–65 years

− 36 (12.2)

± 4.88

Standing flexion

 30–39 years

46 (11)

± 4.4

 40–49 years

48 (6)

± 2.4

 50–65 years

46 (9)

± 3.6

Standing extension

 30–39 years

−26 (10)

± 4.0

 40–49 years

−18 (11)

± 4.4

 50–65 years

−17 (14)

± 5.6