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Table 1 Population characteristics (n = 156)

From: The effectiveness of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid for knee osteoarthritis in patients in the working age: a randomised controlled trial


intervention (n = 77)

control (n = 79)

mean age, years (sd, range)

53.6 (8.6, 20.9–64.6)

54.8 (6,4, 32.9–64.9)

female, n (%)

37 (48)

40 (51)

BMI, kg/m2 mean (sd, range)

28.9 (5.2, 20.4–44.8)

29.2 (5.4,19.4–43.5)

K&L I-II, n (%)

44 (57)

47 (59)

K&L III, n (%)

33 (43)

32 (41)

duration knee complaints 3-12 M, n (%)

43 (56)

36 (46)

duration knee complaints > 12 M, n (%)

34 (44)

43 (54)

pain during rest (0–10) 1, mean (sd, range)

4.8 (2.5, 0–8.0)

4.1 (2.6, 0–10)

pain during activity (0–10) 1, mean (sd, range)

6.5 (2.4, 0–10)

5.8 (2.4, 0–10)

quality of life (0–1)2, mean (sd, range)

0.68 (0.23, −0.05-1)

0.71 (0.24, −0.11-1)

KOOS subscales (0–100), mean (sd, range)


46.6 (20.6, 5.6–100)

52.5 (21.1, 11.1–100)

 other symptoms

55.7 (18.3, 17.9–100)

61.3 (21.8, 3.6–100)

 function in daily life

53.2 (20.2, 7.4–100)

60.2 (24.0, 10.3-100)

 function in sports & recreation

24.0 (25.7, 0–95.0)

31.1 (30.9, 0–100)

 knee related quality of life

30.8 (18.5, 0–68.8)

35.9 (18.7, 0–81.3)

  1. 1on Numeric Rating Scale, 2on EQ-5D questionnaire, K&L: Kellgren&Lawrence scale