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Table 1 Scan parameters of the axially- and sagittally-prescribed sequence

From: Lumbar muscle and vertebral bodies segmentation of chemical shift encoding-based water-fat MRI: the reference database MyoSegmenTUM spine


Axially-prescribed six-echo 3D spoiled gradient- echo sequence

Sagittally-prescribed eight-echo 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequence

TR/ TE1/ ∆TE

6.4/1.1/0.8 ms

11/1.4/1.1 ms

Flip angle


2484 Hz/pixel

1527 Hz/pixel

Acquisition matrix

68 × 150

124 × 121

Field of view (FOV)

220 × 401 × 252 mm3

220 × 220 × 80 mm3

Acquisition voxel size

3.2 × 2.0 × 4.0 mm3

1.8 × 1.8 × 4.0 mm3

Frequency direction



Scan time

1 min and 25 s

1 min and 17 s