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Table 6 Sub-group with lesion size < 4.4 cm: clinical outcome of enchondromas treated surgically or conservatively. Clinical score values are shown as mean with standard deviation (±SD)

From: Outcome of conservative and surgical treatment of enchondromas and atypical cartilaginous tumors of the long bones: retrospective analysis of 228 patients


surgery group enchondromas (n = 27) (histologically diagnosed)

non-surgery group enchondromas (n = 87) (radiologically diagnosed)

significance (p-value)

functional limitation score

 rating scale 0–3

0.2 (±0.5)

0.1 (±0.3)


pain score

 rating scale 0–10

0.7 (±1.4)

1.1 (±1.8)


satisfaction score

 rating scale 0–10

9.1 (±1.4)

9.2 (±1.2)


MSTS score

 rating scale 0–30

29.2 (±1.3)

29.2 (±1.3)
