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Table 1 Criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies

From: Physical prognostic factors predicting outcome following lumbar discectomy surgery: systematic review and narrative synthesis

Inclusion criteria


16 years or older, male and female


Lumbar and lumbosacral standard open discectomy or microdiscectomy

Single one level

Primary operation with no previous history of other lumbar spine surgery

Prognostic factors

Intensity of back/leg pain

Pre-operative duration of back/leg pain

Healh related quality of life

Range of movement

Motor deficit

Sensory deficit


Walking distance


Study design

Prospective cohort studies

≥1 year follow up

Exclusion criteria


History of previous back operation

Extraspinal cause of low back and/or leg pain

Trauma, vertebral fractures, arthritis or metabolic bone disease, scoliosis, spondylolysis, spondlylolisthesis, spinal stenosis or any other notable non-intervertebral disc abnormalities, trauma, rapid progressive motor deficit, cauda equina syndrome


Any other lumbar surgical management

Lumbar discectomy combined with other surgery

Study design

Studies not published in English language