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Fig. 3 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Fig. 3

From: Subgroups of lumbo-pelvic flexion kinematics are present in people with and without persistent low back pain

Fig. 3

Clinical visualization of mean peak kinematic parameters, temporal and muscle relaxation parameters for each subgroup. This figure illustrates the four-subgroup solution with the image describing each parameter using normalized means where 1 = the maximum value and 0 = 0. For ROM, higher values indicate larger ROM, for lumbo-pelvic rhythm (lumbo-pelvic coordination) higher scores indicate a larger percentage of lumbar contribution, for ‘time to max flexion’ larger scores indicate slower movement, for ‘difference at 0o and 20o’ lesser scores indicate a lag of pelvic (versus lumbar) movement with the greatest score indicating a lag of lumbar movement

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