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Table 2 Participant Questionnaire Content

From: A randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of ultrasound-guided intra-articular corticosteroid and local anaesthetic injections: the hip injection trial (HIT) protocol







Baseline measures

 Demographics (date of birth, gender)






 Demographics (marital status)



 Hip pain questions: uni/bilateral, duration



 Previous hip injection



 Participant treatment preference and expectations






 Self-reported height and weight (BMI)




 Other musculoskeletal pain (Body manikin) [22]



 Anxiety and Depression – GAD and PHQ8 [23, 24]



Primary Outcome measure

 Pain - Numerical Rating Scale score for current pain [20]






Secondary outcome measures

 Function - Western Ontario and McMaster University Arthritis Index (WOMAC v3.1) [32]






 Participant’ self-reported global impression of change [33]






 General health (SF-12) [34]






 Sleep disturbance (Likert type scale, adapted from Dawson et al. [35])






 Pain self-efficacy [36]






 Modified Brief Illness Perceptions Questionnaire [37]






 Satisfaction and experience





Health Economic Outcomes

 Health status - EQ5D-5 L [38]






 Employment status




 Performance at work






 Absenteeism from work






 Health care utilisation





 Participant -incurred costs





Process Data

 Other hip injections received





 Self-reported adverse events





 Adherence to best current treatment advice



