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Fig. 5 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Fig. 5

From: Growth of epiphysis after epiphyseal-preservation surgery for childhood osteosarcoma around the knee joint

Fig. 5

Patient No. 5. A 6-year-old girl with osteosarcoma of the left distal femur (transmetaphyseal excision). Preoperative plain radiograph (epiphysis width: 53.2 mm) (a). A radiograph of resected tumor-bearing segment of femur after transmetaphyseal excision (b). A radiograph after the reconstruction using a tumor-bearing frozen autograft stabilized with triple-locking plates and a cancellous allograft (aLDFA: 80°) (c). A radiograph after 18 months. Screws in the epiphysis were removed (d). A radiograph taken 48 months. Latitudinal and longitudinal growth were observed (aLDFA: 83°, epiphysis width: 63.4 mm) (e)

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