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Table 3 Performance in the clinical tests at baseline

From: Prognostic factors of a favorable outcome following a supervised exercise program for soldiers with sub-acute and chronic low back pain


All Subjects

(N = 85)

Favorable outcome

(N = 40)

Unfavorable outcome

(N = 45)

Mean distance fingertip to ground in trunk flexion (cm)

10.67 ± 10.87

10.96 ± 10.51

10.41 ± 11.29

Mean distance fingertip to ground in trunk lateral flexion (cm)

48.18 ± 4.52

48.28 ± 4.22

48.08 ± 4.81

Trunk lateral flexion discrepancy (R-L, cm)

2.37 ± 2.27

2.21 ± 1.87

2.51 ± 2.59

Worst trunk lateral flexion (cm)

46.99 ± 4.60

47.17 ± 4.38

46.83 ± 4.84

Mean trunk extension (deg)

24.23 ± 9.91

24.82 ± 9.79

23.71 ± 10.10

Mean hip internal rotation (deg)

30.84 ± 9.54

5.97 ± 7.25

5.97 ± 4.68

Hip internal rotation discrepancy (R-L, deg)

7.54 ± 6.33

28.32 ± 9.23

27.42 ± 10.17

Worst hip internal rotation (deg)

27.84 ± 9.69

31.31 ± 9.02

30.41 ± 10.06

Mean hip external rotation (deg)

45.12 ± 10.87

45.76 ± 11.26

44.55 ± 10.59

Hip external rotation discrepancy (R-L, deg)

5.97 ± 5.99

7.22 ± 6.65

7.82 ± 6.09

Worst hip external rotation (deg)

41.35 ± 11.81

42.15 ± 12.53

40.64 ± 11.23

Mean hip flexion (deg)

111.08 ± 8.87

111.33 ± 10.38

110.84 ± 7.64

Hip flexion discrepancy (R-L, deg)

4.36 ± 3.24

4.55 ± 3.13

4.20 ± 3.36

Worst hip flexion (deg)

106.45 ± 11.04

108.47 ± 11.32

104.66 ± 10.58

Mean hip extension (deg)

11.15 ± 11.05

11.07 ± 11.95

11.22 ± 10.31

Hip extension discrepancy (R-L, deg)

3.08 ± 2.76

2.90 ± 2.53

3.24 ± 2.97

Worst hip extension (deg)

9.61 ± 10.99

9.62 ± 12.04

9.60 ± 10.10

Mean lateral plank (sec)

65.72 ± 35.46

66.79 ± 30.58

64.76 ± 39.61

Lateral plank discrepancy (R-L, sec)

14.00 ± 12.74

14.62 ± 14.07

13.45 ± 11.56

Worst lateral plank (sec)

58.57 ± 33.75

57.86 ± 26.26

59.14 ± 39.11

Mean score on Biering-Sorensen test (sec)

84.19 ± 44.12

95.10 ± 47.09

74.48 ± 39.33

Mean score on McGill abdominal test (sec)

101.96 ± 56.29

112.07 ± 58.65

92.97 ± 53.15

Mean Straight Leg Raise (deg)

72.85 ± 10.95

72.55 ± 10.59

73.12 ± 11.36

Straight Leg Raise discrepancy (R-L, deg)

4.76 ± 4.78

4.40 ± 4.04

5.08 ± 5.38

Worst Straight Leg Raise (deg)

70.47 ± 11.46

70.35 ± 10.77

70.57 ± 12.16

  1. sec: second, deg.: degree, cm: centimeter. All measurements are shown as Mean ± 1 Standard Deviation. None of the clinical variables showed a significant difference (univariate analyses)