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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of study population

From: Association of body mass index with knee cartilage damage in an asymptomatic population-based study


n = 73

Female, n (%)

41.3 (56.5)

Age, years

52.0 (47.0-60.0)

KL grade 0, n (%)

38.5 (52.7)

KL grade 1, n (%)

29.0 (39.8)

KL grade 2, n (%)

3.7 (5.0)

KL grade 3, n (%)

1.8 (2.5)

KL grade 4, n (%)

0 (0)

Current BMI

26.1 (22.8-29.2)

 Current BMI <25, n (%)

31.7 (43.4)

 Current BMI ≥25, n (%)

41.3 (56.6)

Past BMI at age 25

21.6 (20.8-23.9)

Change in BMI

2.8 (1.3-6.5)

MRC score 0, n (%)

24.8 (34.0)

MRC score 1, n (%)

0.5 (0.6)

MRC score 2, n (%)

26.8 (36.7)

MRC score 3, n (%)

15.7 (21.5)

MRC score 4, n (%)

5.2 (7.2)

  1. All numbers are medians (interquartile range) unless otherwise indicated
  2. Stratum-sampling weights were used, hence n = weighted counts which are non-integer (see Methods)
  3. MRC magnetic resonance cartilage, KL Kellgren Lawrence, BMI body mass index