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Table 2 The inter-method agreement measurement of post-fracture clavicular length measurement

From: Bone shortening of clavicular fractures: comparison of measurement methods

Intermethod agreement

Bone shortening

Mean difference (mm)

Bland-Altman limits of agreement (LOA)

– 95% CI

Silva vs Hill

 Intrarater 1

7.5 mm

- 8 mm to 23 mm

 Intrarater 2

−4.2 mm

−22 mm to 14 mm

 Interrater 1 and 2

1.5 mm

−19 mm to 22 mm

Silva vs Lazarides

 Intrarater 1

- 8 mm

−35 mm to 19 mm

 Intrarater 2

−18 mm

−49 mm to 13 mm

 Interrater 1 and 2

−13 mm

−42 mm to 17 mm

Hill vs Lazarides

 Intrarater 1

−15 mm

- 43 mm to 12 mm

 Intrarater 2

−14 mm

−45 mm to 18 mm

 Interrater 1 and 2

−14 mm

−42 mm to 13 mm

  1. Mean difference (mm); differences in mean when comparing two methods stated in millimeters. Limits of agreement; Limits stating the position of 95% of measurement. Results shown are a subsection out of 48 possible combinations. For interrater analysis the second measurements made by each rater was compared to each other