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Table 1 Overview of physician and patient related data collection

From: Physicians using spinal manipulative treatment in The Netherlands: a description of their characteristics and their patients

Type of data

Source of data

Outcome measures

Physician characteristics


Demographics, training, treatment and referral patterns

Telephone call

Number of days per week spent in MSK practice

Patient characteristics (web-based registry)


Patient questionnaires

Treating physician

Cohort 1 (09/12–03/13)

Numerical Rating Scale

Demographics, source of referral, type and duration of complaints, and treatment

Cohort 2 (04/13–01/14)


Cohort 3 (02/14–02/16)

Previous treatments

  1. aRDQ (Roland Disability Questionnaire); 24 items, range 0–24, higher scores indicate more disability
  2. NDI (Neck Disability Index); 10 items, range 0–50, higher scores indicate more disability
  3. LEFS (Lower Extremity Function Scale); 20 items, range 0–80, higher scores indicate less disability
  4. DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand); 30 items, range 0–100, higher scores indicate higher disability
  5. HIT-6 (Headache Impact Test); 6 items, range 36–78, higher scores indicate more disability