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Table 3 Subjective Health Complaints (SHC) and Neuroticism in the intervention and the control group at baseline and 8 weeks

From: Predicting outcome in frozen shoulder (shoulder capsulitis) in presence of comorbidity as measured with subjective health complaints and neuroticism


Intervention group

Mean, (Std. deviation)

Control group

Mean, (Std. deviation)


8 weeks


8 weeks

SHC - Total score 29 items

 (score 0–87)

15.34 (8.16)

11.33 (8.04)

12.22 (6.66)

11.08 (7.98)

Musculoskeletal (8 items)

 (score 0–24)

8.11 (4.06)

5.62 (3.87)

7.44 (3.45)

6.50 (3.57)

Pseudoneurology (7 items)

 (score 0–21)

4.17 (3.03)

3.23 (2.98)

3.11 (2.67)

2.86 (3.07)

Gastrointestinal (7 items)

 (score 0–21)

1.70 (2.30)

1.35 (1.92)

0.92 (1.44)

0.94 (1.66)

Flu (2 items)

 (score 0–9)

0.57 (1.11)

0.67 (1.07)

0.56 (1.27)

0.53 (1.08)

Allergy (5 items)

 (score 0–15)

0.76 (1.36)

0.48 (0.95)

0.25 (0.55)

0.36 (1.05)


 (score 0–12)

2.42 (2.14)

1.57 (2.05)

2.06 (2.28)

1.50 (1.80)